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Welcome to
Beulah Church of God 7th Day

Where a strong teaching ministry impacts lives

PICTURE OF PASTOR Short bio or anything he wishes to add

          The church was established by God and is owned by God. At Beulah we have become family. Our goal is to invite and embrace all who want to join the family and learn more of God's word line upon line and percept upon precept. 


           We are a church where the love of God guides all we do. We enjoy a strong teaching ministry that impacts lives, draws us closer to God, and makes plain God's plan for those who serve him. 


          The standard of living is the unadulterated word of God found in the Holy Scriptures. We observe the 7th day Sabbath as established during creation. We believe in baptism in Jesus' name which represents a spiritual re-birth. 


          Beulah Church of God is a place where the Spirit of God leads; where the truth of the word is taught; and where the love of God is always present.


About Us

Join Us For Service


Sabbath Morning Service  -- 11:00 AM

Sabbath Afternoon Service -- 1:00 PM


Bible Study (the call is free)

Wednesday Night -- 6:30 PM

Conference Call: 1 (720) 43-2375; Access: 3860737



First and Second Sabbath:

2682 NC 903 North, Stokes, NC 27884


Third & Fourth Sabbath: 

144 Union Road; Ahoskie, NC. 27910

But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth:
for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him
in spirit and in truth.  
John 4: 23-24

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